

orientation was fun right!!! haha

got any suggestions for better games or stuff.. pls tag..

haha.. here's e pics we took...

四德女中 - 中文学会执行委员会 || 4:34 下午



we will be having sec1 (n new sec 3s) orientation next week. feb 15... same time 2pm to 4pm... however, pls be prepared to be released late.. coz will be having games and stuff which will drag... ya.. sorry for the inconvenience caused! haha

下个礼拜的中文学会,将会是迎新会。欢迎大家加入这个大家庭!同一时间:2pm - 4pm。 但请大家做好要迟回的准备!因为我们的游戏还有其他活动将会拖时间。不好意思阿!

anw we assure u, it will be very FUN de.. hehe.. do participate actively!!!

这次的活动一定会很好玩的!!! 哈哈。每个人都要参与哦!

<3 yinyue

四德女中 - 中文学会执行委员会 || 3:37 下午